Thursday, December 17, 2009

This Must Mean...

It's time for chicken soup! If I were to make it like good ol' Mom; I'd just open up a can, but you all know--that's so not me! Even my intention to just assemble a simple soup mushroomed into something a bit more complex. What can I say; cooking is my therapy. I made some biscuits using a recipe from Diane's Place. MMMMMM-MMMMM!

I don't know about you; but when it's doing this outside,

it's a good day to make a mess of the kitchen!

First, I boil up a whole chicken. Then I cut up the available veggies, and saute and season them in my dutch oven.

Next, I strain the stock and add it to the veggies.

It turns out different everytime, but this method gets the job done!

Soup's on!



Saoirse in Spokane said...

Soup looks fabulous. Thank you for commiserating with me. TGIF. I need a weekend to start feeling better and get that last of the holiday stuff done.

Have a great weekend.

splord said...

Mmmm, looks good! (and I don't mean just the snow-covered deck :) )

Also, here's the tuna casserole recipe.

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Soup does sound good, not to mention hot biscuits. Glad you liked 'em and they turned out well for you.

I hope we get some snow soon, but I'm not holding my breath!

Happy weekend, and Merry Christmas to you and yours, Vikki. :o)

Love and hugs,
