As most of you know, that little volcano about a hundred miles from here has been having a bit of a temper-tantrum lately. If you'd like to see a live web cam view, you can check it out here.
I mean; had I known this bit of information, I might have been a little more reluctant (i.e vocal) about moving here. Tsunamis and earthquakes are one thing, but multi-orgasmic, pyroclastic mounds this numerous in near proximity of home is too close for comfort; IMO. The ash fall has passed us by so far, so we're fine; but if it will ease your worried minds, just make checks payable to:
Kkryno's Volcano Relief Fund
I'm-So-Happy-Ville, AK. 99577*
I'm sure it's tax-deductible, and you'll be helping me maintain my mind*numbing supply of martinis and onion dip; batteries, filter masks, and panti-hose too! You can also purchase for your very own for a limited time (spoken in Billy Mays-ease!!!) this AMAZING JAR OF GENUINE ALASKAN VOLCANO DUST! Share in a bit of Authentic Alaskana, all for three easy payments of $19.95!!! Supplies are endless, so buy NOW! Of course I'd have to drive to Talkeetna to get it, but I'd do it for you; and I'll wave hello to Sarah on my way through Wasilla. Unless she's out on a speaking engagement in the Lower 48 (again!)
(Ever notice that Billy Mays' initials are B.M.???!!!11) EEEEWWWW!
Alaska Airlines is flying again, so if I get nervous about Redoubt again; I'm sure for a phenomenal fee, they will be happy to cart my generous butt out of here.
We'll see.
All is well, so far. :)
*I am just kidding; ya know!
(I found the photo of this lovely little meltdown here.)
wow it’s really been 40 years
1 day ago