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Is it possible to kill yourself at my age playing tennis and bowling, and doing the lamest, shortest work-out on the Wii Fit? I'm thinking--maybe!
We bought ourselves the Wii Fit for Christmas, but since K. was working for two weeks straight; we hadn't really done much with it. Not so now! We broke it out three days ago and played it for five hours the first day. Last night we had a nice dinner out (Greek food with a nice Sangiovese) so we only played for a couple of hours. Today only a little over an hour (so far!)
I am sore as can be--as anyone who knows me, I've had virtually
no physical activity since my days in high school when I ran track!
I'm not saying that I'll make any great strides in the world of fitness; but I do find that there is fun to be had in the joy of movement!
It's kind of silly; but I feel like a kid again!
Well--except for all that sore muscle thang. I'll just look at that as growing pains!