Thursday, April 10, 2008

Does winter ever end in Alaska?!

I think I've reached the saturation point where gloomy, snowy, cold days are concerned! We started to have actual 40 degree temps and sunshine for about a week; and it was glorious! Our yard was even visible, bits of it peaking out from remnants of dingy icy snow. I was daydreaming of potting soil; trips to the nursery; maybe even trying to start some tomato plants from seed! (Last year's attemt in Valdez at tomato cultivation was GRIM. 20 plants; a total of 6-yes-6 tough cherry tomatos! ) I was becoming delirious with the prospect of dirty fingernails, muddy knees and half-wine barrels full of colors and home-grown veggies! Then; BAM! Old man winter rolled over and dumped on us again: five inches of new snow, two more days of cold and gloom; and three more inches of the retched stuff. Now the temperatures are back in the teens and twenties. Blechh! I never thought that I'd become sick of snow...More on my manic moods later.


Doug and Amanda said...

April has been deceiving this year. One day, we'll have 70 degree weather, and the next, it will be 37 degrees and windy. Last week, I was subbing at a school and they canceled afternoon recess because the weather was soooo cold and all of the kids were wearing t-shirts and shorts with no jackets! But, I suppose you win because you were referring to 40 degree weather as "glorious"! But don't worry, we'll bring the warm weather with us when we come visit! Love ya!

Doug and Amanda said...

See I did leave a comment, mamacita!

kkryno said...

You are correct, Little Missy! I think that i was just looking at my original post about manic winter, and I apologize. :+) Luv u!