So; I'm posting this pic to convey to you the crazy stuff I do in preparation for an extended visit to any of our friends or family members: oooooorrrr--if anyone should come to visit us. I know; I'm kinda koo-koo, koo-koo.
I do silly things like wash out the trash cans, re-arrange the linen cabinet, launder the shower curtains, buy a new litter box; you know--all the things that are essential to get us out the door and to the airport!
Anyway, we went to LA to visit Sarah and Dave. What a spectacular time we had! I can only hope that they had at least half as much of a time as we did! I have so many photos of our travels and that doesn't even begin to scratch the surface!
We went to the best deli/wine shop I have ever seen! I know that I haven't seen the best ones, but this one was wonderful! Sadly, I didn't get any record of this one, but I will ask to go there again! If I had the chance, this is what I would try to do as a business--anywhere! It was perfect!
Of course, I asked (okay, insisted) to go to Disneyland. Granted, it's a destination best seen through the eyes of children--but I still have a child-like heart! I had a great time there. :-)
She was so cute! I asked her parents before I took her picture and they said it was fine. Didn't want to creep them out!
In my opinion, this was the second most cheesiest attraction in the park (the first one being the ride I cannot mention else its theme song will once again be an eternal ear-worm that will drive me insane!)
Stark. Raving. Mad.
My favorite one was The Pirates of the Caribbean. I know I'll be dating myself when I say the last time I rode that one the pirates were much less life-like. I liked the new take on this classic but could have done without the running color commentary from the fellow behind us. Think a cleaner version of Randall from the Honey Badger series. Did not shut up the whole time. What a P.I.A! I was so peeved that I forgot to take a photo. I guess I should've gone all Honey Badger on his a**!
I always loved The Haunted House, as much for the silly ghostiness as well as for the Victorian Mansion feel of the place. Here are a couple of pics from that one.

Cool hearse.
Seriously! Best "Mug Shot" ever.
One of the things that I'd love to take my grandaughters to do there is the princess make-over. I know that this is something some people would think of as sexist but I disagree. It's just a bit of pretend and I know that they would love it. If I had a grandson, I'd ask them if they had some sort of thing for boys. It's fantasy and I feel that if it's something they would like to do, why not? You're only a kid once.
Umm; yummmm!
This is the one that proves I'm not always a comlpete chicken!
We were all wet after that part of the day, except for Dave. I think he knew exactly where not to sit!
Here are the rest of the photos from that outing.
Really a sweet horse!
He was trying to charm her into coming over to him and she finally did. I wish I'd have caught that shot. So cute!
Had to sneak this one in under the guise of taking a photo of Walt and Mickey. ;)
Finally! Another Karl with a K!
And now at the end of our first day; a righteous, worthy-of-mention dah-da-da-DAH!
I haven't seen one this good in a long time. He looked tired, but his hair could go all night!
We headed out of the park on the next tram. On our way home we had to stop by a little burger joint to capture some digital gastronal (Yes. I made up that word!) evidence for one of Karl's co-workers.
It almost looks like a Muppet burger yawning at the camera!
We returned the next day to finish up Disney and the try out California Adventure. What were we thinking? It was Leap Day and both parks were running a promotion by staying open for 24 hours. At the gate the lines were crazy! As the day went on the crowds grew and by night fall you could barely navigate the place. I felt sorry for little ones because they couldn't see through all of the big "kids" and the whole scene was getting increasingly chaotic and claustrophobic by the minute. The day before the atmosphere at the parks was so laid back. This was almost hostile and suffocating. Here are a couple of pics before it all went south.
For Trish--you know why!


If I could have a truck, I think this would have to be it!
To finish out the day Dave and Karl rode the California Screamin' roller coaster. I'd like to say that was Sarah and I in front of them, but I'd be lying. ;)
Here's what it would have been like if I were brave enough to give it a go.
All in all we had fun but never go there if they are advertising a 24 hour "celebration!"
We visited a few other places while we were in the LA area.
The Gamble House. Beautiful example of how thing used to be done. The craftsmanship showcased in this century old home is breathtaking. I'd love to have the kitchen in this house anytime!
The Norton Simon Museum.
Saint Cecilia. Patron saint of musicians.
If you are ever in Pasadena, take the time to see these two destinations. You will be inspired!
Thank goodness Sarah and Dave like old cars. I'm a classic car fiend! Karl is a fan as well, so we couldn't miss perusing the Nethercutt Collection. We only saw a small portion of his brood, and I was in awe. Here are a select few tid-bits from what was available for viewing that day...
The Pierce Arrow Travel Duo.

The front lounging/boudoir area at the front.
Sink and fridge equipped with real ice trays!

Propane range and oven nearly as large as a modern one. This travel trailer had all the bells and whistles! There was even a three-piece washroom. So cool!
This one is from the year I graduated. Go figure it's a low-rider!

Comes complete with real trunk!
Oh my gosh! There were sooooo many more and across the street there was a six story storage facility that houses countless other priceless and timeless treasures. I could have stayed all day. No way could I nail down a favorite. Alas, we had to go. :-[
We worked up a pretty good appetite so we decided on Palermo's in Los Feliz. I would definitely recommend this place. Great service and food.
She even looks good eating pasta!
On one of our outings we caught up with Dave at Loyola Marymount Film facilities. What a great experience that was! We were on hand to watch him and his crew wrap up filming on "Reclamation," Dave's thesis film. Hopefully this will be out in April. Amazing what goes into filming one scene!
We made a stop at Dockweiler Beach. Had to dig my toes in the sand. Glorious! The reviewer said that this wasn't the prettiest of beaches, but it is one of two that has fire rings. I found it very accessible and not crowded at all as well as CLEAN. There were pelicans and sand pipers along with seagulls and plenty of nice sea breezes. The sunset was wonderful!
We had a dinner date with Olivia. Time for; are you ready for this? Korean barbecue!
The place we chose, at Olivia's suggestion was Road to Seoul in Korea Town. Oh my goodness! So good! I want to go there.(again!) Great food and service, although I wasn't a fan of the frenetic dance club thump vibe music that was played a bit too loud (I know--if it's too loud you're too old!) They were more than happy to serve you, but if you were finished with the meal, they made it clear that there would be no lingering! Get your shtuff and get out; thank you very much! Be gone! Buh-Bye! On your way, now! Sayanara! See you next time! That's okay. After the Soju (with 40% alcohol, mind you!) and all the great food; I was ready for the sack! I also discovered that I absolutely can not live without one of these!
(This image found at Chubby Panda.)
But then again, I also want one of these! ;)
Any-hoo; here are some pics from our adventures at Road to Seoul.
Olivia, Sarah, and Dave.
I have to learn how to make this. So wonderful in its simplicity!
You could certainly be perfectly happy with a meatless visit to this establishment. Just don't try to get in on a Friday or Saturday without reservations and a lot of patience. I lurved the mashed potatos and their salad was super fresh and lightly dressed. The sides were all great. I just wish I knew what they all were named so I could recommend them to you!
If you click on this link, you can see a pic on Yelp by Champ M. In it to the right of the grill is a dish I absolutly loved, but have no idea what to call it. I'm not even sure what kind of vegetable it is, but I have to find out. I have to say it was scrumptious!
We also made a trip to IKEA. I'd never been to one, and got some great ideas along with a coffee press. Don't think that I want coffee any other way if there's a choice!
(This image found here @ Acorntopia.)
To round out the visit, we went to The Getty Museum. Wow. What a stunning place that was! We had been to The Getty Villa last time, and it was breath-taking as well. If you're ever in the area both of these places are worthy of you time, so do yourself a favor and stop in. Here are a few pics from our time there.
There were many works of art. This one was fun! Just for perspective, this guy was two stories tall!
The gardens were closed and will remain that way until sometime in May. They were under a major re-vamp. Still were beautiful.
After all that, we headed over to see Olivia at her new place of business which is still in the early stages. She was talking with her contractor who owns this cool 1960 GMC Suburban Carry-all. I normally don't like to see old vehicles chopped into low-riders, but he didn't get too carried away with his. I liked it!
I know that now they would call a GMC a Yukon, but back in the day they were just a Suburban. Since she was busy, Sarah and I decided to go next door to get mani-pedi's.
(Yes. Those would be my gnarly bunion and cra-zy pinky-toe feet.)
We had a wonderful time and hope to do it all again soon!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch. ;-)
Two + more months of winter.
Guess I'd better pick my date for the Nenana Ice Classic!